Singing Guide: The Little Mermaid (TV Series)

Singing Guide: The Little Mermaid (TV Series)

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ariel, the title character from The Little Mermaid franchise, is a character with a strong and unique vocal style. Her singing voice is crystal clear, beautiful and full of energy, which has captivated audiences for generations. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at Ariel's vocal style and techniques, and give you practical tips on how to sing like her.

Ariel's vocal style and technique

Ariel's singing style combines a clear, bright tone with a lot of power and energy. Her voice is sweet and innocent, yet strong and determined at the same time. To sing like Ariel, you need to focus on developing the following techniques:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing: Ariel's voice is powerful and resonant, which is partly due to the fact that she uses her diaphragm to support her voice. To achieve this, you need to focus on breathing deeply, allowing your breath to come from your diaphragm, and engaging your abdominal muscles to support your voice.
  • Vocal range: Ariel's voice has a wide range, which means that she can hit high notes as well as low notes with ease. To improve your vocal range, you can practice vocal exercises that help to stretch and strengthen your vocal muscles.
  • Vibrato: Ariel is known for her beautiful vibrato, which adds a sense of warmth and richness to her singing. To achieve this, practice singing sustained notes and adding a slight vibrato at the end of each note.
  • Articulation: Ariel's singing is clear and precise, which means that she articulates each word clearly and crisply. To improve your articulation, practice singing slowly and carefully enunciating each word.

Songs to showcase Ariel's vocal style

There are several songs from The Little Mermaid franchise that showcase Ariel's vocal style and technique. Here are three iconic examples, along with some tips on how to sing them:

  • "Part of Your World": This ballad is one of Ariel's most iconic songs, and it showcases her powerful yet tender voice. To sing this song like Ariel, focus on delivering the lyrics with emotion, and let your voice gradually build in strength and volume as the song progresses.
  • "Under the Sea": This upbeat song is a perfect showcase for Ariel's energy and vibrancy. To sing this song like Ariel, focus on maintaining a strong and steady rhythm, and use your diaphragm to power your voice as you hit the high notes.
  • "Poor Unfortunate Souls": In this villainous song, Ariel's voice becomes dark and sinister, showcasing her ability to switch between moods and styles with ease. To sing this song like Ariel, focus on adding a touch of darkness and menace to your voice, while still maintaining clear and precise articulation.

Singing Carrots resources

Singing Carrots provides a variety of tools and resources that can help you develop and refine your singing skills. Here are some that are particularly useful for learning to sing like Ariel:

  • The vocal range test can help you identify your vocal range and compare it to that of famous singers, including Ariel.
  • The pitch accuracy test can help you assess your pitch accuracy and identify areas where you need to improve.
  • The vocal pitch monitor can help you see your sung notes on a virtual piano, which is helpful for developing accuracy and pitch control.
  • The pitch training section contains interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizers, and exercises for range and agility, which can help you develop the techniques necessary to sing like Ariel.
  • The search songs function lets you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preferences, and features several songs from The Little Mermaid franchise.
  • The course on singing for beginners provides 21 lessons covering singing theory and practical tips, which can be useful for developing your vocal technique.


With the right techniques and some practice, anyone can learn to sing like Ariel from The Little Mermaid. By focusing on developing your vocal range, supporting your voice with diaphragmatic breathing, adding a touch of vibrato, and enunciating each word crisply, you can capture Ariel's unique vocal style and bring it to life in your own singing. Use the practical tips and Singing Carrots resources provided in this tutorial to help you on your journey to becoming the next Little Mermaid.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.